Open Photo Project



Type: Candid                                                                                                              Theme: Family

Days of Family

For this project, I've decided to do candid photos. I've taken photos throughout the week based on the different activities or work done. I wanted to showcase what it's like within a family's life, specifically my family.

From something as simple as watching on our phones, 

"Relax & Watch"

to something as simple as reading online.

"Relax & Read"

When we aren't on gadgets, we're doing hobbies,  

"Card Games"
                                                 like playing cards.

"Crazy 8" 

Or if it isn't cards, sometimes, we'd play pool.

"Long Shot"
                                        We'd play and play until we get bored.

"Easy Hit"

Majority of the time, we have different hobbies.
For example, my cousin enjoys playing with makeup.

"Getting ready for...nothing?"

                           My other cousin enjoys taking care of puppies.

"Future vet?"

My other cousin and I enjoy just hanging out. 

"Waiting & Chilling"
        My little cousin enjoys saving snacks for his siblings.

"Munchies for later"

Of course, there's times where everyone helps out to do chores.

"Peeling and Fixing"

"Cutting and Mixing"

While cooking would be done, yard work outside would be going on.

"Preparing Dishes"
"Getting ready to fix up"

Of course, we can't forget the person who helps tie us all together, aka, our grandma. 
She's the backbone of the family. 

"Strong Woman"

When we aren't home, we'd be at fun places spending time with one another.

                                                                                       A lot of the times, we'd ask to go to the park.

"Fresh breeze, high grounds"
"Waiting for the fun"

Parks are our favorite go-to hangout places.

"No Bond Like Sibling Bond"

"Enjoying the Outdoors"

And that's a wrap, folks. 

"That's Family"

All in all, I chose to do family because even though they're not my siblings, they've treated me as one of their own. Family is very important and I wanted to show the many things we do as one. 


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