Iconic Photographer



Yousuf Karsh 

 Yousuf Karsh is known as one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century for his portrait photography. His photos of individuals express emotion, deep meaning and compassionate viewpoints. Karsh has a technique in which he uses to capture marvelous images in what would be lighting. Using lighting, he's able to express more in depth of the beautiful image we see before our eyes.

Yousuf Karsh's Photography

I chose Yousuf because I completely adore the beautiful images he captures. It's simple, yet rather astonishing. 

My Recreations

Disclaimer: *I made sure that I had permission from the individuals of the photos being shown below.*

(A joyous moment)

(Talking & making memories with friends)

(Candid moment)

"Just another day"

(Another Candid)


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