Possessions Photo Project



"Sketchin' My Life Away"


 Drawing is one of the many hobbies that I truly   enjoy. It calms   me and inspires me to keep going. In this photo, I have a variety of different art materials from regular sketching pencils to graphite sticks. Underneath the materials is my sketchbook which holds a few drawings. This is something important to me because it's something I do everyday. 

"Simplicity at Home"


Here at home, these are a few things I keep close to  me and by my side. I have my 3 clips, two which are flower clips and one regular clip which is used almost all the time. I included my polaroid because I have yet to take it anywhere besides home to create memories. I'm emotionally attached to the necklace of my mother but I still struggle with memories when using it so my only solution is to keep it close by and hold a photo of her. I also included a small hand sanitizer because I try to sanitize when possible. The small ring I included is a ring embedded with a flower design which is important to me because it was a special gift from my auntie. Lastly, my small notebook. I love writing or sketching...anything that'll do with stationery sets basically.

"Going Out for the Day"

If you noticed... I'm a sucker for journals. I write anything or even draw anything. In this photo here, I included some necessities I use when going out on a normal non-school day. I have my hat which I use half the time because I'd hate showing my face a lot. I have my hair necessities to keep my hair clean and out of my face. A few rings and bracelets that I use almost everyday. I also included lotion and hand sanitizer to stay clean. Lastly, I included a mask because a mask alone in this generation can tell so much. Due to the pandemic severely affecting lives of individuals and everyone around us, a mask, to me, shows an emotional attachment which is why I included it. 


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