World War II Historic Sites



 World War II is a tragic historical event that will always be remembered. These are a few photos of some of the historic sites that WWII took place in. Beautiful places with such deep and devastating backgrounds. 


Last Command Post is one of the most well-known sites for tourism here in Saipan. However, its story and background is something tragic. Many war relics can be found here such as, tanks, bunkers, and monuments included for respect, as well as giving people an insight of the place. It's also located beneath Suicide Cliff, which is another historic site that was deeply included in WW II. Last Command Post was basically a base for the Japanese during the time of this event. It was used as a base camp/site for updates, commands and was the last to stand, hence the name, Last Command Post.

A monument for the remembrance of the historic site. 

A side view of the bunker/command area used by the Japanese.

A tank used at the site.

An inside view leading into the post area.


Banzai Cliff is another historic site that can be seen and found here on Saipan. Banzai Cliff also happens to have a similar story to Suicide Cliff. While Banzai Cliff has such a beautiful view, its backstory is known to be such a tragedy. Not wanting to surrender nor give in and be defeated, the Japanese went another direction. They decided to jump off Banzai Cliff, with their last words being, "Banzai", roughly translating to a war cry. The Japanese wouldn't admit defeat. Their mindset was "Death before dishonor", which led to their fatal tragedy. 

A monument located in Banzai Cliff. When you visit the area, you'll see that a lot of the stones here have information about the event.

An overview of Banzai Cliff.

Another view of the cliff at Banzai.


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