
Showing posts from January, 2022

Types of Photography

TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY   FOOD  Who doesn’t love dessert?  I chose to start off with food because I love eating.  SILHOUETTE  I took this picture at Micro beach and thought it looked cool.    NIGHT  Lights at night always look so pleasing to me. Unfortunately, this was the best I could take.  MOTION  I was able to capture a picture of a car moving. I chose this because I thought it looked cool.   NATURE  Flowers are such a beautiful part of nature so I decided to choose two pictures. 

Rule of Thirds

RULE OF THIRDS  A picture of flowers in my front yard.       More nature from my front yard.  Nightlight in the Nighttime.  BREAKING RULE OF THIRDS  The entrance of my school.  A picture of the road next to my school. 

Meet My Friends!

  MEET MY FRIENDS! Little Bee  I chose this picture because it's one of the first pictures  I've taken close up of an animal besides your typical pets. Black Beauty  I took this picture in a hurry because this was the first time a butterfly had landed  on my hand and stayed for about a good amount of time. It was truly a joyful experience. Birdie  As I went sightseeing, I caught somewhat of a decent picture of a bird here on island. I chose these different animals because they're all such beautiful creatures and I wanted to share different types of animals other than cute dogs and cats. 

Elements of Art in Photography

ELEMENTS OF ART LINE  A photo of chairs stacked up in a restaurant I went to.  I chose this picture because I thought the way it looked was cool.   SHAPE For shapes, I chose a simple picture we have.  I chose this because it's some of my favorite pictures. TEXTURE  I absolutely adore the rain when I'm in a calm and relaxed mood.  This is why I chose to do this for texture. TONE  I just thought this looked nice.  SPACE  I chose this view of the ocean because I thought it looked cool.  FORM  I chose this picture of a book because reading’s cool and it’s from one of my favorite anime.  COLOR I don’t have much pictures of anything with tons of color but I did find this sunset really pretty. 

Iconic Photographer

  ICONIC PHOTOGRAPHER  Yousuf Karsh   Yousuf Karsh is known as one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century for his portrait photography. His photos of individuals express emotion, deep meaning and compassionate viewpoints. Karsh has a technique in which he uses to capture marvelous images in what would be lighting. Using lighting, he's able to express more in depth of the beautiful image we see before our eyes. Yousuf Karsh's Photography I chose Yousuf because I completely adore the beautiful images he captures. It's simple, yet rather astonishing.  My Recreations Disclaimer: *I made sure that I had permission from the individuals of the photos being shown below.* (A joyous moment) (Talking & making memories with friends) (Candid moment) "Just another day" (Another Candid)

Hero/Role Model

  ROLE MODEL I look up to a lot of people in my life, my number one being my mother but unfortunately, I’m unable to take photos of her. I decided to choose my uncle, who has always been there for me. Things I admire about him is his determination to work hard to achieve his goals, his respect for everyone and the kindness he shows. As I've said, I look up to a few others who have taught me valuable lessons in life but my uncle influenced me greatly.  Here are a few pictures I took of him. (At Mt. Tapochau) (Last Command Post, we went for a stroll with our family) (Banzai, a photo I took yesterday when we strolled with family)

World War II Historic Sites

  WORLD WAR II SITES  World War II is a tragic historical event that will always be remembered. These are a few photos of some of the historic sites that WWII took place in. Beautiful places with such deep and devastating backgrounds.  LAST COMMAND POST  Last Command Post is one of the most well-known sites for tourism here in Saipan. However, its story and background is something tragic. Many war relics can be found here such as, tanks, bunkers, and monuments included for respect, as well as giving people an insight of the place. It's also located beneath Suicide Cliff, which is another historic site that was deeply included in WW II. Last Command Post was basically a base for the Japanese during the time of this event. It was used as a base camp/site for updates, commands and was the last to stand, hence the name, Last Command Post. A monument for the remembrance of the historic site.  A side view of the bunker/command area used by the Japanese.   A tank ...

My Morning Views

  My Morning Views Hey guys! Here are a few photos of some of the things I do or see when I wake up. On weekends, I'd play volley whenever I get the chance. Almost every morning, I'd play before going to school.  If it was raining and I wasn't in the mood to play, I'd play the uke. If I'm not playing the uke, I'm either drawing or playing the piano. Of course, we can't forget the beautiful sunrise we all see when we go outside in the morning. I wasn't able to capture some of the beautiful sunrises I'd always see in the morning because lately the weather has been gloomy in my area but I hope this covers up for it! 

Introduction - Shar

 Shar Casil Hi everyone! My name is Sharlette but please call me Shar. I'm currently a junior who has recently transferred over to Kagman High from Marianas High. I took online courses because I wanted to astray from my comfort zone to try something new and I felt like photography would be a good way to start. I've actually taken yearbook back in my freshman year with Mr. A as my teacher so I'm excited for this. In my free time, I play volleyball and I also play a little bit of piano. As for food, I absolutely adore tea. Literally. Milk tea, black tea, green tea, even Thai tea. If it has tea in the name, love it. I also enjoy pasta. To tell the truth, any chance I get to eat pasta, I'm taking it. At the moment, my main goal is to enjoy high school before graduating since I don't have a lot of time left. Of course, college is definitely an option for me after high school. So far, being a newbie in an online class seems very interesting and fun, I hope to get to know ...