

Final Photo Critique REFLECTION  I've learned a lot in this course. I was able to take away many new lessons from this course, from the different types of photography used to all sorts of cameras and equipment needed in order to capture those mesmerizing moments. After taking this course, I see my surroundings as an opportunity to capture a picture. Even if it's something as simple as someone sitting down or a simple landscape, everything around us is unique and can tell a story within just an image. I see myself as an individual who has more opportunities and experiences to learn as I've learned about photography. Technology still plays a big role in my life, especially with school, and now, photography. After reflecting upon many videos and articles of social media, I have become more aware of the benefits and harm it can put upon myself. As a person and photographer, this course has definitely made a huge impact on me. I was able to learn and accomplish many new challeng...

Open Photo Project

  OPEN PHOTO PROJECT Type: Candid                                                                                                                Theme: Family Days of Family For this project, I've decided to do candid photos. I've taken photos throughout the week based on the different activities or work done. I wanted to showcase what it's like within a family's life, specifically my family. From something as simple as watching on our phones,  "Relax & Watch" to something as simple as reading online. "Relax & Read" When we aren't on gadgets, we're doing hobbies,   "Card Games"                             ...

Silhouette Photo Challenge

  SILHOUETTE PHOTOS  "Uke Session" "Confident in Silhouette" "Beyond the Gate" "Early Reading"

Portrait Photo Essay

  PORTRAIT PHOTO ESSAY Technology. It's such a marvelous invention to have, is it not? I mean, individuals all around are stuck on it 24/7. It's a good thing, isn't it? With our world changing, generations coming, technology is advancing. It surely has to be a great thing, right? Somehow, it still has its detrimental effects on society. So, it's not a good thing? We tend to see it as a way of "distracting" us or "disconnecting" us from the real world. While this may be true, technology is surely one of the biggest inventions and greatest change ever made. Unfortunately, it can be taken for granted but I wouldn't say it is that bad. It's here to help, not take over. We mustn't forget that. From waking up in the morning to your beloved phone.... With it still in your hand as you start your morning routine... To relaxing with it. But hey... there's other things too... like dancing with it... Looking for more videos to dance to. Besides d...

Portrait Photo Project

PORTRAIT PHOTO PROJECT --- Portrait Photos ---  "Shy Smile"  "Bright Smile" "Pose for the Cam" "Easygoing Smile" "Love All Around" "Big Cheese" "Peace" "Cutie with a Dimple" "Simple & Classic" "Classic & Simple" --- Candid Photos --- "Lights, Camera, Phone...?" "Evening Sensation" "Exploring Down Below" "Refreshing Walk" "Observing Around" "Laughing & Smiling" "Let Me Check My Phone Real Quick..." "Avoiding Eye Contact" "Arts & Crafts" "Busy Working" --- Self-Portrait Photos --- "Camera Pose 1" "Camera Pose 2" "Oh, What A Day" "Mirror Check" "Tired Silhouette"