
Showing posts from February, 2022

Depth of Field

  DEPTH OF FIELD  Hey guys! Here's some of my takes of the images I was able to capture. Enjoy! SHALLOW DOF "Pretty Whites" You've seen a lone flower so here's a group . "Lone Lil Flower" Lonely is pretty neat.      "Green... More Green..." Leaves are just as pretty as flowers.  "...Green...Red!" You've seen a bunch of green, enjoy some red leaves.   "Rainy & Windy" Quite the weather we're having, isn't it? "Game Time" It's 'bout a game of pool ? "The Boy Who Lived"  How about less writing and  more admiring Potter with his books? "Writing & Reading" much notes... "Crunching & Munching" We can't forget snacks, now can we? WIDE DOF "Step After Step" So many stairs...

The Night Hour

  NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY "Beyond Street Lights" This image was taken around 6:00 pm and  shows the street lights turning on once  nighttime arrives.  "Purple Night" This image shows the clouds and the pretty color of the sky a bit before turning completely dark. "Rainy Night" You've seen my rainy days and now here's a glimpse of my rainy nights. Raindrops splashing on the glass table with the small pretty light in the background. "Lightnin' Strikes at Night" When I was a freshman, I've always wondered what it was like to be a storm chaser. Now I  see it as a hobby. I've caught a few videos and pictures of lightning on camera and thought it was cool to share. Here's one of the few pictures. 

Possessions Photo Project

  POSSESSIONS PHOTO PROJECT "Sketchin' My Life Away" SKETCHIN' & DRAWIN'  Drawing is one of the many hobbies that I truly   enjoy. It calms   me and inspires me to keep going. In this photo, I have a variety of different art materials from regular sketching pencils to graphite sticks. Underneath the materials is my sketchbook which holds a few drawings. This is something important to me because it's something I do everyday.  "Simplicity at Home" SIMPLE NECESSITIES  Here at home, these are a few things I keep close to  me and by my side. I have my 3 clips, two which are flower clips and one regular clip which is used almost all the time. I included my polaroid because I have yet to take it anywhere besides home to create memories. I'm emotionally attached to the necklace of my mother but I still struggle with memories when using it so my only solution is to keep it close by and hold a photo of her. I also included a small hand sanitizer be...

Images in Motion

  IMAGES IN MOTION Hey guys, here's my takes of motion photography. Enjoy. RAINY GROUNDS  These are two pictures I took while waiting for the rain to calm down at school.  "Rain Drops" "Splish & Splash" RAINY DAYS  These are two pictures I took when I was walking once the rain calmed down a bit. I was playing around with the umbrella and thought the water looked cool.  "Dry the Drops Away" "Blue Drops" SPORT IN ACTION These are two photos of my volleyball teammate and I playing volleyball. We were both practicing our receiving at the time. To capture these photos, I used a timer and just so happened to get lucky with the shots.    "Eyes on the ball" "Receiving Low"   CARS IN MOTION I took these two pictures when we went on strolls.    " Straight Strollin' " "Curved Road"

Beauty of the Marianas

  BEAUTY OF THE MARIANAS Here are some pictures that I've taken in the beautiful island of Saipan.  IN THE SKY  These are some of my favorite pictures involving the sky.  "Sunset Paradise"  "Soaring Freely" DOWN ON GROUND  I thought it'd be pretty neat to add the pictures that are the opposite of the sky.  "Down Pretty Lane" "Look Before Crossing"                                                                                                       BEACH DAYS These pictures were taken at one of the most popular beaches here on Saipan, known as Micro Beach.  "Calm Beach Day" "Wavy & Breezy"

Square Format Photos

SQUARE FORMAT PHOTOS <33  I took these two pictures in the morning. I found the shadows hitting the wall so cool  and thought it looked really neat to take a shot of. "Fresh Breeze" "Saranghae ;)" Beauty of Nature  I took these pictures at American Memorial Park when the sun was setting.  I thought it looked absolutely stunning. "Down by the tree" "River of Nature" COTTON CANDY SKIES  I took these pictures as the sun was setting. It was really beautiful to experience  so I thought I'd share it with you.   "Sweet Leaves" "Clouds of Candy"